Vitamins or supplements for post baby hair loss? 🤦🏻‍♀️

Keisha • Mommy to Amelia 🤱🏻 Born Sept.26/2019 and my angel baby👼🏻 Now pregnant with our rainbow baby 🌈♥️🙏🏻

Hey ladies. My hair started falling out once my babe reached 3 months, she’s almost 4 months now and I’ve already lost so much hair (getting really noticeable along my face) and I don’t know what to do. I know it’s completely normal, but have any of you found some secret hack to help it or something? Lol. I just cleaned the vacuum head before I cleaned the floors and this was wrapped around after I vacuumed. Put me into panic mode. Ideas? Suggestions? Has anyone found biotin vitamins help? I’m still taking prenatals and baby is breastfed.