Really struggling with body image/weight loss

My relationship with my body/weight/image has always been really rocky, but I feel like I’ve hit a serious low. I feel fat & hopeless, and no matter what I do, weight loss feels almost impossible. I’m doing about 10,000 steps per day, working out/lifting/cardio/yoga at least 3-4 times per week, and eating healthy/counting calories. This has been a journey I’ve been on for almost a year. But I haven’t lost ANY weight. I am a full time student and I work, and I feel so I overwhelmed and like there is just nothing else I can do without completely dedicating my life to fitness, which won’t be possible for me with the new semester approaching. And I’ve been sinking into bad habits, like abstaining from food all day until I end up binging because I’m hungry and frustrated.

To those of you who have a hard time losing weight, what did you do? How do you keep from spiraling when counting calories? What are REASONABLE meals plans to follow? How do you cope with feelings of hopelessness/defeat? I would really appreciate any help I could get. Pics above are for my body type/reference. This is after a year of relatively consistent exercise and plant based/vegetarian eating. No weight loss, very little tone. Please, I hate feeling this frustrated and helpless, I am usually super positive but this is just so upsetting to me. Please be gentle.