Learn to hold your tongue🤫🤐

Lededra D • Hey, I am 26 years of age. Me and my better half have being trying to Concieve for 6 years. Hopefully we'll be able to get our little blessing.

He that hath knowledge spareth his words: and a man of understanding is of an excellent spirit.

Even a fool, when he holdeth his peace, is counted wise: and he that shutteth his lips is esteemed a man of understanding.

Proverbs 17:27-28

So, most of us (not all of us) come from backgrounds where it was shaped us to be always confrontational or speak up for ourselves. Either our childhood caused this, bad relationship or the company we keep/kept. So, we've deemed ourselves to be blunt. The type that dont beat around the bush but go straight to the point. And in some cases that's good. But most cases require us to sit back listen and not say a word. And that transition is what's hard for those of us whose always spoken our mind. But, as Christian's we're at some point going to have to learn to study to be quiet. Everything does not constitute us reacting.

So here in the two verses of Proverbs it tells us (verse 27)that a person with knowledge knows how keep his words to himself. In other words he took time to weigh the effects of them on the person(s) and decided it would be better to just hush. Then that same verse says a man of understanding is of excellent spirit. Because he understands that not every offense is on purpose he is not easily shaken by someone words or actions. He is able to stay in the position of love and kindness because he sees the bigger picture. Then in verse 28 it says when a person who is usually foolish in their ways hold their peace they are counted wise. In other words the person who would normally do ignorant things in reaction to what someone else has done or said; when he/she decides to act civil instead of lashing out he/she is counted wise. And when that same foolish person learn to to just shut up and not say a word then he/she is said to have understanding. So, let us all study to be quiet today. Let us be quick to listen and slow to respond. We'll see that it's better to be quiet in many situations. God bless you ladies❤.