The sh** my brother says...


Quick background...

My older and only brother is almost 40 years old but he has always been a mess and only reason I have any sort of relationship with him is because we're blood.

It's going to be a long read so if you get to the finish line I hope you will comment...

So this was a text of my brother complaining because my dad didn't want to have dogs inside of his house. My brother and his wife moved in to my dad's house because they were broke (as usual) and had no place to go. My dad was kind enough to let them move in so that they could get back on their feet and he even gave them the master bedroom and didn't charge them rent for over 1 year. So of course rather than being grateful, my brother and wife thanked my dad by causing issues with him and his live-in gf and letting their dogs inside the house which let to the carpets and walls being destroyed. On top of that, the entire time they lived rent free, they spent their money on vacations and eating out and never managed to save any money which was the reason my dad let them move in to begin with.

So these ones are reference my bipolar mom visiting from Mexico so that she could meet my first born son. I originally told my brother and dad that I wanted to fly her out and get her a hotel for 1 week but my brother and dad said 1 week wasn't long enough and my brother offered to keep her in his house.

A little background...

My mother is bipolar and has some serious personality issues. From age 18 to 30, I have been the one who mostly deals with taking care of her in 1 way or another. My dad divorced her over 20 years ago, but to this day he makes sure she has enough money to not be homeless (he does it because he wants to be a good person and not because he has to).

Back to the texts...

Basically my mother was complaining to me of not being able to go on walks at my brother's neighborhood because she had no house keys and didn't want to leave the house door unlocked. My mother had already been in town for well over 3-4 weeks and was starting to "act out" like she always does.

The thing with my mother is the longer she stays in 1 place the more her bipolar personality starts to come out and she starts causing issues.

For example...on this particular visit she told my neighbors that she was hungry and her children weren't letting her eat from the refrigerators. My neighbors invited her into their home and fed her and she basically talked badly about her family to them.

Anywho, as the texts show my brother doesn't want our mother to have a key to his house and instead wants me to spend more time with her. However, as I mention in the texts, my mother shouldn't have visited for as long as she had but my brother insisted on keeping her around because my dad and I were giving him money to house her. So my brother didn't care for our mother, and in fact all he cared about was the $$$ he was getting from us for her.

So these texts are my brother going on a rant about being broke and needing help and about how buying a house ruined him and it's all my dad's fault.

Facts he failed to mention is my dad gave him and his wife $20,000 to put into their bank account so that they would qualify for a home loan. Also, my brother and his wife refused to buy a modest home and bought a brand new condo that was overpriced.

Basically my brother and wife believe ita my dad's job to always bail them out whenever they are broke due to their poor choices in life. Everything that goes wrong is someone else's fault and never theirs.

These texts just show how negative and ridiculous my brother is. The boss text was about my brother going off on a customer at a construction site and then leaving the job site in the middle of his shift. My brother did get fired and he told me he was glad because now he could stay home and collect unemployment. Luckily his boss fought the unemployment case and my brother got nothing.

My brother worked at the same job for over 7 years and was a crappy employee. He would smoke weed on the job, go home for his lunch break and then take a nap for 1-2hrs while on the clock, would lie about how long he was driving to and from job sites. The list goes on and on...

So these are reference my brother driving his 1 day old new motorcycle while being beyond drunk and basically totalling the bike and somehow managed to not kill himself.

He bought the motorcycle a few days after finding out his wife was pregnant. He hasn't worked in 1 year, wife can't barely pay the bills, and they had to ask mother in law to move in so that she helps with their mortgage, but yet he decided spending $3,800 on a motorcycle was a smart investment.

When I asked him why he needed 2 motorcycles he said he wanted a "dad motorcycle." He's such a moron.

And these ones are of my brother apparently not pleading guilty and spending money he doesn't have on a lawyer so that he can try and get away with his second DUI.

He had told me he wasn't going to fight it because he is obviously guilty and lucky to be alive but guess it was naive of me to think he would actually take responsibility for once in his life.

I have a million more screenshots of stupid texts from him but this is long enough.

Let me know your opinions and feel free to ask me any questions...

Few more things...

He's been arrested a few times in different counties but my dad always bails him out and he has never had to do any real jail time

His mentality has always been it's not my fault it always someone else's fault whenever something bad happens to him

He smokes weed daily and way to much

He's angry and can be violent

Pretty sure he suffers from mental issues like my mom but refuses to get help and says weed is all he needs

I only keep him in my life because he's my only sibling but there are times I wonder if I should just block him completley. But my young sons like him so I don't know....

I am 100% worried about his unborn daughter and I hope having her changes him but i doubt it will