

Was pregnant with #2 when I just found yesterday there was no heartbeat. I was spotting for 2 weeks and had med bleeding and clotting last week went to the hospital and everything was fine than. Than yesterday my doctor seemed worried about that hospital visit and did a ultrasound even though I wasn’t there for that. He said I was mesuring 2 or 3 days off so the baby just died 2 or 3 days before. This is my first miscarriage. And you all where there through my 1st pregnancy with my son, so I felt more comfortable saying it on this group. I was so excited for my son to have a young sibling, but when the spotting started I knew something was wrong because I never had that with my son. So I kept trying to prepare for the pain, but this pain I wasn’t prepared for still. But Im still trying to hold my head up high for my little boy and my boyfriend.