2nd FET after miscarriage - Advice**


Hi Ladies,

I have my follow up appointment on Tuesday following my miscarriage at 6.5 weeks after my first FET with a PGS rested embryo. I know that the doctor won’t really be able to tell me what went wrong to cause the miscarriage which I’m okay with. Just worried about what to expect for next round.

If any of you have any advice on what to ask I would appreciate it! Also please feel free to share what worked for you. I’ve included my details below to better understand where I am.

-both Dh and I 28 years old

-reason for infertility is PCOS and anovulatory, also diagnosed with hashimotos hypothyroidism

-first fet took estrace, endometrin and PIO injections. Increased synthroid dosage after positive beta as TSH was higher