Spreading of Herpes?

So my ex boyfriend didn’t know he had the oral HSV1 herpes virus. He had gone down on me and I caught HSV1 on my genitals. He told me I couldn’t leave him now because no one else would ever love a girl who has herpes. So I left him. After my herpes initial outbreak and when it cleared up we had sex multiple times and he never caught it on his genitals or at least never had an outbreak like i did. I haven’t had an outbreak since my initial outbreak back in October. Recently I have met an amazing guy who is super sweet and we have gone out on a few dates. I don’t plan to tell him about me having HSV1 herpes until the relationship moves on to being sexual. But I’m curious to know what is the risk of him catching it? I just hope and pray he doesn’t freak out when I eventually tell him cause I know I would’ve if I wasn’t “educated” about it. Some days I just feel like no one will love me again but I try and remain positive. But does anyone else know the transfer risk or any advice or tips to dating with herpes ?