Too early/false negative possible or no? Late period but tests negative


Has anyone gotten BFNs around the first few days of your predicted period for it to turn into BFPs later on? I’ve tested with FRER, rapid response, and digital. I took the digital this morning with FMU. All were clear negatives. The thing is, my period has not been late by even a day ever since getting off BC (the pill). It’s never late, and theres no reason for it to be this month like diet change weight change or stress.

In addition, I started getting really sore breasts a week ago. Like REALLY sore. Also really veiny as well. (Not a normal period symptom for me) and no telltale signs of AF anywhere still. They’re still sore even. My husband and I have been TTC for about 4 months. We hit nearly every day during my fertile window this month including the day before and after ovulation.

This would be my husband and I’s first together and his first ever, we are so hopeful and we were both kind of disappointed at those clear negatives.

Please tell me someone else had negatives around this time and positives later on 🤞🏻