Am I doing the right thing??


I just need some clarification that I’m doing the right thing.

My mother is an alcoholic. Has been for at least 8 years. I moved out at 18 because she was verbally and emotionally abusive towards me and even getting physical a few times (pushing, slapping and punched me once when I was 17)

So my dad passed away when I was 12 and that’s what pushed her to become an alcoholic. I have two brothers and a sister that are ages 21, 19 and 16. I moved my mom and two brothers in my home with my husband back in August when I was 8 months pregnant. We tried to get her away from an abusive relationship and get her sober. Everyday she was at our house she would get drunk and become manic, screaming at my brothers and husband, threatening to kill herself etc. When I had my baby in September she showed up to the hospital drunk and started a fight with me. She’s hit my brothers, one is autistic, and was extremely toxic towards them.

She eventually went to rehab but only for a month. She relapsed less than a week later. She got physical with me while I was holding my baby. She was breaking my things and threatened my husband with a fork. My youngest brother called the cops and she was arrested. She was arrested again after that a week later. So my husband and I are fighting for custody of my brother who’s 16.

She’s made my whole family believe my husband and I are terrible people and that we are lying and brainwashing my brothers to hate her. None of them believe us about her. I just feel so defeated. Do you think I’m doing what’s right? I need some assurance!

Sorry for the long post! This isn’t even half of what she’s put us through!!!