
Hannah • TTC#2-👧🏼👼🏼

Something has been weighing heavily on my mind and I would like to have opinions...with my first daughter I had to have a c-section. I was 10 CM dilated, but she wasn’t moving down. Doctor said later that my pelvis couldn’t accommodate her size. That being said...I’m already thinking about baby #2. I am about to begin an exercise regimen and a healthy diet plan to get my body back from having her. I want to at least be back to pre-pregnancy weight before we try and have another one. That being said, all things aside, would you try for a VBAC or just schedule a c-section? I know it’s all based on my body and if my next OB feels I am capable of successfully delivering. I also know my chances are a little slimmer since I didn’t deliver at least one child vaginally. Just trying to get my head straight on what I might possibly want next time around? I really felt extremely limited when I had my c-section. I pushed for so long trying to make her move down and out that I struggled after. I also know that my breast feeding wasn’t as successful after because I had to have so much help with her. I had hot spot pain after delivery and it stayed like that for a few weeks after. Made me feel like I was being ripped open when I tried to move her from side to side. Any suggestions? I know it’s ultimately up to my next OB, but I want to know what some of you mommy’s think that have been down this road before. Your thoughts and suggestions! Thanks in advance ladies! Picture of my daughter just because I love her smile! ❤️😍