HELP! OB wants to restitch 3 months PP ☹️


Someone PLEASE tell me your experience with restitching. Situation: I’m 3 months PP had a 9 pound baby with a Ed cons degree tearing, delivered and stitched by a midwife. I’m not doing well, only sitz baths feel better. I am exclusively breastfeeding and doctor wants me to take estrogen cream and antibiotic for the next two weeks before doing a restitch operation.

I refused the cream, I read too many things how it’s not good for baby and breastfeeding. I’m debating antibiotic, I don’t think it will make much of a difference in two weeks time.

I would do local anesthetic for the procedure. I’m scared as hell about it. Husband and I want to have another kid, I’m worried this is going to complicate our life and maybe my sex life forever.

Someone please give me hope and your experience? Thanks!