I think my brother made my period late 🙃


(Don’t worry this isn’t about incest)

I had dealt with this issue for almost two months and I am happy to report that Aunt Flo finally arrived today ❤️ I also want to get all of this off my chest because I couldn’t really tell anyone about it besides some random anonymous posts on here.

This story starts back in December 2019, the first two weeks were alright. I had my last period the first week (keep that in mind) and the second week my SO and I were very *active* since my period was gone.

Everything went downhill when my older brother’s car broke down beyond repair during the second week. Because my brother and I both work as student workers at our university, we had to carpool to work once finals were finished. We started carpooling during the third week of December. Now, I was involved in a car accident last year which really shaken me up. It caused me to get really bad anxiety when I’m a passenger in a car, and when my brother drives my anxiety is an all time high. He drives like a maniac and was the main reason why his car broke so suddenly.

So, at first it was okay because I drove us to work (I don’t get as anxious when I’m driving so I felt okay). However after work without any warning, my brother would declare he’s driving himself to the gym and I would have to drive home from there. 2 red flags for me; 1 my brother driving and 2 me, already nervous, having to drive home from somewhere I never been to before. When he drove, I was terrified. My heart raced, I constantly shook, and on some days felt like I was going to cry. Then to top it all off, he would have me switch to the driver’s seat while in the left turn lane with the light red. Overall, this ordeal had me stressed and panicked. It went on for the rest of December and the first two weeks of January.

During the ordeal with my brother, I would still hang out with my SO. And one of the times we were active in December (around the 3rd week), the condom slipped... We freaked out! We had this session while I was in my fertile window. Now, I wasn’t worried as much because it only slipped after I got off him when I rode him; I wasn’t convinced he was in raw at any point. Also, he did not come and the condom we used had spermicide. So for any precum, it would’ve been protected by the spermicide. With that reasoning, I decided not to take a plan b pill. I knew that it can mess with your cycle, so I didn’t want that to be the reason my period would be late or something (spoiler alert, it was still super late). From that point, I carried on hoping my period would start when scheduled, which according to the app was supposed to be on December 29th.

The 29th comes by and nothing...

The 30th, nothing...

The 1st, nothing.... and nothing happened at all the first week. Trying to stay calm, I took two tests. One on the 4th and one on the 5th, and they came back as negative! My SO and I were so happy. But then, if I wasn’t pregnant, where was Aunt Flo? On the 11th I started spotting, and thought it was finally happening, but after a week of it, it just stopped. The next week was when I stopped having to carpool with my brother and having at least having the spotting happen, I was in a much better mood.

No stress. No worries. Simply waiting. And finally today it started while I was in my lecture. I felt even happier, even though I bled through my pants and had to sit through my second class cold since I wrapped my jacket around my waist. So thinking about what happened, I believe with the amount of stress my brother put me through, along with the added pregnancy scare, is what made my period late by almost a month.

I’ll never tell my brother this, and I’ll certainly have a laugh my SO. 🤗

Thank you for reading my story ❤️