uhhh help please

my boyfriend and i recently had a sleepover and we had sex and for the first time we tried different positions such as doggy style and it sorta hurt but it wasnt too too bad. it’s been a couple days and it started off by just some spotting of blood when i wipe but now it’s literal puddles of blood like i’m on my period or something, it literally drips right out of me. i don’t start my next period until 17 more days and my period is VERY consistent and comes on exactly the same time. i’m not sure what this is and i’m nervous. i did some research and it might be a UTI but THAT much blood comes out ?? i remember my friend one time had sex and his dick was too large that it ruptured a blood vessel in her vagina and she was bleeding a lot and ended up having to go to the hospital... i hope it’s not that. any thoughts ???