Too sedentary? Long vent...


My husband keeps pushing me to work out. I'm 5'3" and weigh 125lbs. This is after having my daughter and breastfeeding which shaved off about 20lbs. I felt bony and scared when I saw 120lbs a few months ago. I still get anxiety standing on the scale and seeing a number under 130. I am finally starting to get some padding and feel like myself again. I'm eating well and I work hard to keep this house in order. I also work as a graphic designer but I am on my feet more often than at a desk. My husband works 12 hrs overnight behind the wheel and then comes home and does a daily 45-60 min Insanity workout.

Over the weekend we got a new living room set and I helped him haul it in the house. After trials and tribulations we got it all from the driveway to our living room but since then I have been SORE! I pulled all kinds of muscles doing that and I regret not calling my brother to come help or something. I'm kind of in a mommy/homemaker mode where my time and energy goes into carrying the baby around, feeding the baby with my body several times a day in addition to pumping, washing the baby, hauling around all the baby's stuff, picking up all baby's things, keeping baby on schedule, washing and putting away all baby's clothes, cleaning up the house, getting groceries, doing endless amounts of laundry, ladies need I go on? And this man thinks he can tell me that I'm sore because I don't work out enough. I literally spent 3 hours cleaning our house the other night because it seriously needed it and I was SWEATING. Like. Is what I'm doing not good enough because I'm not holding 10lb weights in each hand, wearing a sports bra, shorts, and tennis shoes and listening to some fitness guru barking commands at me as I run in place in front of a TV for 45 mins?! /End rant.

Here is me at 5~6 weeks pregnant... ~145lbs

Here is me 38 weeks pregnant ~156lbs

Here is me 2.5 mos pp at ~120lbs

I am currently almost 7 months pp and still look about the same, maybe a little thinner yet, some of the baby fat melted off through breastfeeding. I am not as strong as I was from what he remembers but that was 6 years ago. I could hold an 80lb box over my head with ease. Now I struggle to pick up 35lbs. My daughter weighs 14lbs and she kills my back. 25 hit me like a train but am I too sedentary or is my husband just being bigoted?