Baby development

My little babe turned 6 months just the other day. Its not like she never gives eye contact but she gets distracted all the time. I see some babies always look at their mums while they speak to them but my little girl doesnt always hold her gaze.

If she is being held by her father she will always look at me. I just want to see how it is for everyone else. Do babies get comfortable and because they can hear you they dont need to look at you?

She is a very happy baby otherwise, plays with her toys, laughs, always smiling, she babbles but hasnt started saying m,b,d sounds just yet. Although sometimes i hear a m here and there its not constant.

Since about mid 5 months shes been crazy about her hands, looks at her fingers every now and then. She responds to her name sometimes (but not often) she can sit unsupported, She has started proping herself on all fours, she rolls and can hold herself up if holding onto the table for example. She is happy being held by everyone and will stare at those she finds interesting 😂

Im a FTM so I may just been worrying for nothing but I would like to know what is typical for a 6 month old? (I know each baby learns at their own rate)

Just to add when my husband comes from work she stares at him with excitment and smiles with a open mouth grin but i never get that. She always has eye contact with him unless she sees him too much. Whereas i never get that. Feel like my daughter doesnt love me:(