7 week old is fussy after eating


Some background info: my LO is 7 weeks old and formula fed with Nutramigen as recommended by his pediatrician due to a milk protein allergy. He was breastfed for the first 4 weeks before we learned of the allergy. He used to be extremely painful about 20 minutes after nursing, which has since improved dramatically after switching to the formula. We also use gripe water before feedings, mylicon gas drops after feedings, and probiotic drops once daily to help with gas.

Now, he’ll suck down upwards of 6 ounces at almost every feeding, burp, and be content for about an hour to an hour and a half. Then, he’ll start to get fussy and cry for a while, as if he’s hungry again (which he shouldn’t be so soon after eating 6 oz). He’ll doze off for a few minutes, then wake up and start crying again. After a couple hours of repeated dozing off/waking up/crying, he’ll finally fall asleep for a solid nap.

Does anyone else have experience with this? I can’t tell if he’s hungry already or just fighting sleep. I don’t want to just offer him the bottle every time he’s fussy because then he’ll overeat and be uncomfortable because of that.