Empty sac, no yolk sac


UPDATE: I was in the ER on Friday for not feeling well and fever (flu) and they wanted to confirm my pregnancy so they did a abdominal ultrasound and they showed me my baby and I got to see the heartbeat! I’m so happy! Thank you so much to all of you for your kind words and advice. I wish every single pregnant one of you the best luck. If you’re going through the same thing as me I hope to god that the doctor miscalculated how far you are. Stay positive ladies!

Thank you again!

Hi everyone,

Please give me advice, knowledge and prayers. This is my second pregnancy and I am a high risk with type one diabetes and Graves’ disease as well as thyroid eye disease.

I went to my ultrasound yesterday and they said I was 6 weeks and 1 day based on measurements. Then they did a vaginal ultrasound and were able to see the gestational sac but not the yolk sac (pretty much the sac was empty). The doc said it could be that it’s too early to see it or that I’ve had a miscarriage.

You see months before my pregnancy positive home test I had a nightmare that I was pregnant and had a miscarriage so when the doctor said this I immediately got scared and still am. I keep crying even though I was told to come back in 2 weeks for another ultrasound.

Has anyone ever had this happen to them? I googled all of this up and apparently google has mixed answers. The results varied from the yolk sac is visible at 6 weeks, 7 weeks or 6-10 weeks. I asked my sister whose in first year medical school and she checked the medical database and confirmed that at 6 weeks you should be able to see the yolk sac so I am devastated and do not know what to do but feel sad and cry. Is it possible that they’re wrong? How could they have calculated how far along I am wrong?