is my boyfriend cheating on me?

the other night my bf was scrolling through his snap list to send a snap to one of his friends and I saw two or three girls names that I had never seen on his snap before.. I asked him who they were and he was like I have no idea baby and proceeded to calmly delete them from his list

of course it turned into an argument.. he kept telling me he had no idea who they were or where it came from, he was like babe look at my friend requests list (it was full of girls).. he said I promise you I havent added any girls and if I had been, all these girls would be added also.

my bf and I have each other's passwords and he has never had an issue with me getting on his phone and going through anything I want to at any time.

what do yall think? could snapchat just have been glitching? the girls that were on the list was no where on his recently added or on his snap feed and it didnt even show their snapscore like it usually does when youre friends w someone on snap?

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