Tell me about you induction!


I am high risk and go weekly -- i start going twice a week next week! Yesterday we set and induction date for March 16th, and I'm actually pretty excited! However, I had a failed induction with my first. Long story short, my old OB felt the need to try and induce because of ONE high blood pressure (139/89) -- I was sent to the hospital for 5 BP monitoring. All my blood pressure is during the five hours were fantastic. the nurse is there thought for sure that I was going to be discharged but instead orders came through to have me start induction at midnight. Midnight is when I turned 38weeks. After being in the hospital for 28 hours and being induced for 18 I demanded to go home because my body was doing absolutely nothing and up to this point there had been no intervention or bed rest for my blood pressure. About a week later my water broke on its own and I labored for about 24 hours and had my baby boy naturally. It was an amazing experience that was almost taken away from me. So needless to say, even though I am excited, I am also very nervous about being induced.