Continued bullying issues


Okay I wrote a while back about this but it’s still going on. A little girl my daughter used to be friends with (she was mean as a friend as it was) started in on my daughter . Started with text messages to which my daughter told her not to contact her. At school she’s constantly starting rumors and talking about my daughter and constantly following her around the school and starting things. Yesterday she jumped in the middle of my daughter and her friend who were swatting each other with their jacket sleeves and got hit. I addressed with my daughter that what her and her friend were doing was inappropriate for school even on the play ground because my kid isn’t perfect and I addressed what she was doing wrong. But the issue I am having now is last week she threatens to bite my daughter this week after she jumped in between my daughter and her friend she grabbed my daughter by the shoulder and attempted to punch her and my daughter restrained her arms so she couldnt. Our school is acting like this over a month harassment is no big deal and kids will be kids. What action as a parent would you take next ? I’ve spoke with the teachers principal and the superintendent who just referred me back to the principal. I understand my daughter was partially in the wrong for what she was doing to yesertday that is why I addressed it but to try and punch my daughter on top of the other issues is a bit much!