Anything positive?


Hey ladies,

After 10 years of testing we finally found out we were pregnant. Multiple fertility treatments and it happened in October Naturally. Of course we were ecstatic to turn around on November 5th to find out baby growing in my tube. The worst part was hearing the heartbeat just an hour before surgery as it was starting to rupture. This has been a hard pill to swallow.

The worst part was when my doctor took the baby and my whole left tube, she found me entire right tube to be completely scarred over.

Has anyone had something similar and was still able to conceive with a scarred over tube?

Some part of me wished she had taken the right tube to avoid another possible ectopic. At this point

<a href="">IVF</a>

is my only option as of now and of course the cost is scary. Does anyone have some words of encouragement or can tell me they had a chance also?