Pregnant with Rainbow Baby!!!!💕🥰🍼


I am so excited to announce that I'm pregnant with my rainbow baby!! I recently had a miscarriage, the miscarriage was with my first ever pregnancy & I was so sad, basically only a gestational sac & yolk sac were present, an embryo never developed. Long story short I'm so excited to be pregnant again, when I took the test, even though I had been telling myself that I think I could be pregnant, I just kinda did the test & was like I'm probably not so dont get too excited & then.... very quickly like less than a minute there it was VERY, VERY dark two lines saying no doubt strongly pregnant 😜😁💕🥰🍼 I'm SO EXCITED but also nervous, I dont want the same thing to happen again. Obviously who does, but I'm so scared my first visit wont show a baby or a heartbeat because that's kind of what happened the first time. The doctor was hoping it was just too early, earlier than we thought but after going to several weeks of ultrasounds an embryo didn't develope so I'm scared to go cause I want to see a fetal pole or hear a heartbeat at least to reassure my worry of that part, doesnt stop the worry ever all the way lol. But anyways enough with the scary part... I'm pregnant with our rainbow baby & praying for strength & health for our beautiful baby. Any of your own similiar experiences or reassurance is welcome!! I'll try to get on & update after our first appointment!