Ovulation Help


Anyone have heard or had this happen?

I was on clomid 100mg and given ovidrel and superfact. I had follicles develop on left side only, 18mm 27mm and few others.

When I went in for ultrasound 2 and 4 days post trigger my sizes of follicles were same size and shape. Ie. doctor didn’t think they ruptured. However today, after reviewing the blood work from time of those ultrasounds until today (week after), bloodwork shows ovulation indeed occurred and that I did ovulate around 2-3 days post trigger.

I know I had a painful cyst (the 27mm grew to a 43mm one) that did rupture two days ago. THE PAIN.

Today’s ultrasound shows a corpus luteum and the reminisce of the ruptured cyst.

So my question is, if I ovulated last week (Wednesday as proven by bloods) and Thursday went in for ultrasound, but ultrasound didn’t show any collapsed follicle, is it possible a follicle could have released the egg and closed up again or maybe taken time to collapse?

Thanks girls