What the fuck.

My boyfriend said the most disrespectful thing I’ve ever heard. It was Saturday and we were out at a bar with his friends to celebrate his birthday. I, being 28 weeks pregnant, was completely sober. Well he had been drinking since 10am that day and by the time we left brunch and the other two bars we went to it was about 7 or 8. We continue the after party at his brothers house which was fun but then later down the line it was starting to wind down a little and so I curled up on the couch while everyone drunkenly conversed. Two seats away my boyfriend was sitting with his friend (I had been planning on hooking up his friend with my friend fully knowing they only wanted to have sex with each other) well my boyfriend was giving his friend advice on how to last longer in bed and basically talking about sex in general. My boyfriend decided it would be a good idea to tell his friend about some of his sexual experiences. He explained (FROM TWO MOTHERFUCKING SEATS AWAY FROM HIS SOBER PREGNANT GIRLFRIEND WHO COULD HEAR EVERYTHING) that he had gotten this mind blowing blow job from this girl (before we were together obviously) and that he had sent me a bj (porn) video one time (he said “if you learn how to do this I will put a ring on it) and I was extremely fucking offended. A couple days after he sent me the video of course I gave him a blow job and he said he couldn’t walk after (because I felt like I had to prove myself). So at the party he’s telling his friend all this personal stuff (the blow job stories above) and I couldn’t help but start crying. I got up called him an asshole and left him at the party and then told him it was over. I’ve never felt so disrespected and upset with him, I understand he was drunk but it’s fucked up to talk about a sexual encounter with another women when your girlfriend is there and 7 months pregnant. I’m honestly super fucking insecure right now and feel like I can’t satisfy him. He’s been begging for forgiveness and explained that he was drunk and doesn’t remember a thing and that I shouldn’t break our newly formed family up because of this but honestly I can’t be affectionate with him. Somehow he made me feel less about myself. It made me feel like this girl is better than I am. I’ve tried explaining things to him and he’s understanding but honestly I can’t stop thinking about it. I just feel like less of a woman. I’m already big and round just from carrying a baby and my sex drive has been super low because I don’t find myself attractive right now but now I’m starting to think I may never get that affectionate feeling for him again because I’m scared we’re both going to be comparing my performance to every girl he’s slept with. Plus it’s like I can’t trust him with our private life. I just don’t know what to do. Oh and to make matters worse- his sister was sitting in between us and was in on their convo. I’ve been crying non stop ever since. Idk what to do. Somebody help. I feel like I’ve given up on myself. I feel so shitty about my body and my face and everything.

Update: A lot of you are being kind of weird about the whole marriage thing. In no way would he marry someone based off a blow job. It’s not THAT personal and I could see how you guys would think that that’s how I would determine my worth but in reality it was just a joke.. he’s been wanting to marry me for a long time now (NOT because of the blowjob) but I’ve decided I wanted to wait. Not because he’s a bad guy, but because having a baby, possibly moving states, and going through a bunch of other life shifts would be stressful and I want to save a wedding for a time where we can really settle down and appreciate it. I’m glad you all want me to stick up for myself and my self worth but he didn’t say that in a serious manner, he’s talked about marriage long before that. Consider it kind of like serving breakfast to your man and jokingly saying “wife me up”.. it’s not that serious. Please stop attacking me over this, it takes a lot to discuss personal feelings and then to be bashed after explaining how you feel doesn’t feel good at all..