Why does it seem like my doctor doesn't care??


So I am 35+1... On Monday my doc sent me to the hospital for some monitoring to try to rule out Preeclampsia.. my BP ended up stabilizing but they found protein in my urine, blood and bacteria so they ordered a 24 hour urine and sent me home... It's now Thursday and I haven't heard anything? Today is my birthday and I don't even want to go out and enjoy it because all I can think about is my baby and is she ok? The hospital made it seem like they may have wanted to induce me on Thursday? But said def by 37 weeks... Also I'm worried because they found glucose in my urine I have untreated gestational Diabetes... I am morbidly obese so I am worried for stillbirth or even birth injuries if my baby is born and I am untreated... I tried calling my office but all they said it they would call me back.. that was on tuesday. I just want my baby to be ok 😭