Moms of toddlers...

Kelly • Mommy of 6, should we make it 7?!?!

How are you coping with morning sickness and fautige and taking care of your toddler on top of that? I'm finding it difficult and I'm snappy and grumpy with my 2 year old all the time. I feel horrible that I struggle to even play with her. I'm going to be honest, right now I'm coping by giving her a snack and finding something on TV to keep her occupied. Before I got pregnant I really wanted to get her onto a good schedule, wake up, breakfast, showers, park, lunch, nap, craft, free time, dinner, bed but sense becoming pregnant it feels overwhelming to just be near her sometimes. I feel like such a bad parent right now. I tell myself to buck up and just deal and push through it but when that nausea, fautige and shakes set in all I can do is just lay on the couch and wait for it to pass. My house has gone to hell, I haven't cleaned or cooked a proper mean in at least a week :/ My last pregnancy wasnt like this, I was fully functional😢😢😢 I just feel pretty worthless and hopeless right now ladies. Is anyone else having the same struggle?