To shave my head or not???


A little backstory, I have an autoimmune disease and one of the symptoms of it is hair loss. I used to have decently thick hair and now it’s just strands of nothing. I’ve been thinking of shaving it the last few months to start fresh and let it all grow back in evenly. (I also won’t have to see the gobs I lose everytime I shower and I won’t have to do my hair because I can’t really do anything to it now so it just hangs there) my husband is all for it, I would say the only thing holding me back is I’m scared of what people will think and he always tells me “it doesn’t matter what they think, they don’t know your story” which is true but I hate when people don’t understand or try to lol. But here’s pics of how my hair used to be and how it is now. Honest options are welcome! Should I shave it? Could I pull it off?