Green Poo??

Tiffany • Vegas Native ✨ | LEOW 💙 | Mom of 3 👧🏼👦🏼👧🏼| Home and Natural Birth Advocate 💕

Ok so this is my first EBF baby. I pump for her till I’m empty almost every session. My milk generally gets mixed from each session so I would think she’s getting plenty of foremilk and hindmilk. But maybe not? She regularly has dark green, light green poops. Some tan but mostly has green ones of varying degrees.

I take herbal supplements (Legendary Milk) but I recently ran out and they’re still the same color.

I don’t have any restrictions in my diet and according to her visit with my midwife yesterday she’s gaining about a 1/2oz a day. So a little on the lower side I guess. But other then that she seems happy and healthy. Maybe gas a few times a day but she’s bottle fed and greedy lol!

Should I be worried at all? I’ve also read on KellyMom that maybe that fore and hind milk balance is a myth?? I’m confused lol!

I know green poo is “normal” but to what degree I don’t know! Thanks mommas!