
I just need a place to vent and possibly get some advice.

I am only 20, and I have only been with my boyfriend for one year. However we have a house together and I have never felt more comfortable, stable, or happy with a relationship in my life.

I found out I was pregnant and we were so excited, even though it was an accident. It was a feeling I had never felt before, I had always been so scared of pregnancy and avoiding it at all costs. But whenever we found out we were over the moon about it.

Unfortunately I had a miscarriage at 7 weeks. We were heartbroken. Everyone keeps telling me “well, look at it as a chance to start over.” “You didn’t want to get pregnant anyway” “maybe try birth control this time, your only 20”

Even though I am young, we have only been together for a year, it was an accident.... I want to try again. My whole mindset about life changed when I found out I was pregnant. I suddenly had a new vision for how my life would be. I had planned on everything about it changing, and I felt like I had a purpose. now I’m back to nothing. My boyfriend agrees and wants to try again but I can’t help but wonder if Im choosing the right thing. I guess there’s no way to know when the time is right but I’m just scared. I’m scared of everyone else’s opinions, I’m scared of having another miscarriage, I’m scared that I’m moving too fast. But I know deep down that I am meant to be a mother and I want the baby that I almost had. I think about it every single day.