Third trimester haemorrhoids

Hello to all of you beautiful mamas and mamas to be. I am currently 39 weeks and 3 days. Anxiously waiting the arrival of our little peanut. However what I am curious about asking this community is about hemorrhoids. I’ve noticed in the last few weeks and especially now (and this is rather TMI so I apologize) but I have like 6-8 skin sacs on the outside of my butthole. I know it’s due to pressure and pregnancy and all that, but my main question is do they go away after delivery? I am not bleeding and they are only mildly uncomfortable. I just couldn’t believe my eyes when I checked myself in a hand mirror today... I can’t even see the entrance to my butthole it seriously looks like a head of cauliflower is growing down there. I know how gross this is but I am finding minimal help with Dr, Google and I just wondered if anyone of you could shed some light on this topic for me. Will my butthole ever go back to normal or will I always have these now? Please help! I am wildly insecure about my husband going anywhere near my nether regions now as it is quite honestly the ugliest butthole I have ever seen lol. Any comments would be appreciated.


Pregnant with piles