Braxton Hicks question

How many times each day do you experience them? I’m a ftm so I have no idea what to expect. I get them a lot (probably about 15-25 times a day)

I know they’re not regular contractions because the “tightening” stops fairly quickly after I adjust how I’m sitting. Or if I’m standing they’ll stop shortly after I relax. Or maybe they are real contractions but just not painful yet, just uncomfortable

I’m 37weeks 2 days. I honestly didn’t realize they were contractions until my obgyn said something at my appointment yesterday but she never said if it was just Braxton Hicks or a normal contraction. I honestly just thought it was my little man stretching. I’m so new to this 😂 I kinda feel like I’m an idiot and I’m going to get judged so bad for posting this.