Husband called me bad mom infront of kids

I’m so upset with him.. I have a 6.5 year old daughter and lastnight At 10:00 she came into our room. Baby was asleep in the bassinet and I had fallen asleep about 9:30. We had already put the 6 year old down. She woke me up of course when she came in and my husband said she could lay and watch tv with him in the bed. I said no she needs to go to bed because she a busy day tomorrow (Saturday). I didn’t say this but she is also very noisy and I didn’t want my 10 weeker who sleeps in the bassinet next to the bed to wake up. I guess my husband didn’t agree that she couldn’t watch tv and called me a bad mom right infront of my 6.5 year old when I told her she had to go back to bed. It hurt so bad because I’m a SAHM and care for all of the girls needs. He owns a huge company and is very busy so unable to help with the little ones. I don’t mind that he can’t help much but, it just felt like my only purpose in life right now was being put down. It bothers me because it’s not the first time he’s said something like that infront of my 6.5 year old. I told him to stop doing that because he doesn’t have the right to put a negative impression of me in her head. I’m a great mom :(.