Labor and delivery plans are totally off the table because of health


Before Christmas I was diagnosed with GD, had to go on insulin. Bummer. Same week I had an ultra sound and they found an “Umbilical vein varix” which is like a little hernia in umbilical cord. Blood can pool there and clot, and can end in stillborn. So bi weekly ultra sounds to monitor it. They say because of this they’d like to deliver via c section at 37 weeks. Ok, start to wrap my head around all this, and prepare for early c section mentally (wanted natural) and getting things ready early. Last week I ended up at urgent care, high blood pressure, nausea, headache and swelling. So I was diagnosed with Pre-eclampsia. Now they don’t even want to wait for 37 weeks so having a baby Friday! I’m on bed rest, and feel so overwhelmed emotionally from all of this. I have a ton to do before baby to get nursery ready but I can’t. I’m trying so hard to stay positive and remind myself my only job is to take care of myself and this baby. But I feel like a failure. And I can’t play with my 3 yo son like he wants because of bed rest (compromise with legos, coloring, etc so I can sit while spending time with him).

So sitting here, feet up, making a list of stuff for hospital bags for my husband to pack so I can stay off my feet. Blessed with an amazing partner. And excited for meet my little guy early, but terrified of what complications he might have from being born so early. Because of my GD we can’t even do the steroid shots to help his lungs grow as it would spike my blood sugars.