I think I need some advice or help - PP anxiety?


Sorry if this is the wrong group but I really don’t know what to do or where to post.

So I have a 6 month old baby girl and the last few weeks, only when trying to sleep I have had horrible unwanted thoughts run through my mind of harm coming to my girl. Never caused by me but others.

For example there are two times that really stick out for me, one being that we were at a family meal and there was a mass shooting (I live in the UK so these are somewhat rare) and my baby was the only one left alive and no one found her so she starved to death!

And the second this evening is that my mother in law (who I love dearly and is great with my daughter) looked after her whilst I was at work (I go back to work next month) and when I picked her up she had a huge bruise across her back. I asked what the hell happened and she said she disciplined her for messing with her food! I’m so upset whilst thinking of this with tears in my eyes! I kept playing out in my head running to my mums and then phoning my husband and telling him he needs to speak with his mum and that she will never see her grandma again.

I need advice on how to stop this I am really struggling!!