Going through IVF


Hey guys,

So we found out last year my husband has cystic fibrosis and was born without the vas defernes tubes.

So I went to a fertility doctor and had all my tests and ultrasounds and it turns out I have a ton of eggs!

We had his sperm removal last week and we will be starting my hormone treatment for egg removal pretty soon.

But my doctor said since I already have a ton of eggs i will be put on the lowest dosage of hormones and we will have to freeze our embryos for 3 months while we wait for my body to regulate back because im at high risk for ovarian hyper stimulation.

But during that 3 months my doctor said they would test the embryos for the best one to implant and for down syndrome.

I am 28 and I'm just wondering how many people that have gone through <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a> have gotten pregnant the first round.?

Im very nervous and excited!