Anyone else

Did anyone else do the glucose test where you have to drink that juice early in their pregnancy im only 6 weeks an no I'm not diabetic

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Posted at
No, I did it 28w in all pregnancies. Do you have a family history of diabetes? Are you considered overweight by your Dr? They could just be being cautious.


mommy181920 • Feb 3, 2020
Oh yeah that makes sense I do have a big family history on both my parents sides for diabetes an I am over weight so I geuss that makes sense just thought it was weird cause this is my 3rd Pregnancy an I'm pretty much the same weight an they've known my family history with my other two so just thought it was weird


Posted at
Seems like my 1st pregnancy they tested early like maybe 16 weeks but this time they're saying 28 weeks. I'm probably gonna ask to be tested sooner since I had a bad episode yesterday, 21 weeks. I think it depends on the doc and your history. Also it's the placenta that throws glucose off so maybe it has to be bigger to start causing the issue.


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I had to do it at 6 weeks as well.


Posted at
I did one at 10 weeks and have another at 28 weeks. There’s a history of diabetes in my family and my mom is a type 2 diabetic and was diagnosed prior to pregnancy


Posted at
Yes they said since diabetes runs in my family and I started out a little heavier and I’m glad the did test me early since I do have it and was diagnosed at 8 weeks and now I’m 34 weeks


mommy181920 • Feb 3, 2020
Ohhhh yup thats me diabetes runs on both sides of my family an I am over weight but I wonder why they didnt do it this early with my other pregnancies nothing has changed since having them i had my son in 2018 daughter 2019 an now baby #3 2020