19 years old & buying a house


yup! I turn 20 next month and I plan on buying a house before the age of 21. went through a very rough breakup where we really wanted to get married, he said he would take care of me build us a house and a family etc etc etc. so when he broke up with me out of the blue (two weeks after looking at WEDDING RINGS!) I felt lost- confused, panicking, worried that I didn’t have a plan or anything going for me.

so, I’m going to buy myself a house so that I know I’ll always be able to take care of myself (I already have most of the down payment amount saved!!) I need some tips and advice y’all! what would you tell a single young woman going to buy her first home? what should I watch out for, how do I keep myself from being taken advantage of? what are some things nobody tells you or you wish someone would have told you before you made your purchase?? all much appreciated :))

*** for clarity *** I plan on buying a small 2-3 bedroom home, which I can do in my city with a budget of 160,000. when I move in, I’ll have a roommate/tenant who pays me (probably 500) rent + utilities to cover most of the mortgage payment, plus I’m still working while going to school (making ab 700 monthly)