Any tips on a better "love language"


Since I had my baby 6 months ago, being in the mood or even having time to have sex is rare. Even when we manage to have time or we plan time to try to while the baby goes to bed it gets shut down quick by my husband.

It is hard for me to get in the mood already and my husband is very sexual but the way he talks to me makes me cringe honestly. Like he talks like a teenage boy and it is not a turn on whatsoever, I even told him a few days ago to find other ways to talk about sex to me because currently it is NOT working and he didn't use to say things like this.

Examples of what he says:

"You want me to flick your bean later?"

"Want to jerk me?"

"I'm gonna put it in your butt later" (most likely joking but still gross)

"I'm gonna eat your pie"

I feel like I'm not asking for a whole lot but at the same time I feel disrespected in some way. Almost like I deserve to be talked to like a woman and not like one of his buddies or something. So if you've got advice or even translations for the above statements that are way more sexy please help!