Habit or need?


Diana • Boy Mama🥰💙

How can I tell if my 6 almost 7 month old is eating out of habit or need during the night?

Edit: he wakes up about 2-3 times a night. First stretch is fine(about 4-5 hrs) but then next couple are about 2-2.5 hr gaps sometimes 3 hrs. He always falls asleep independently during naps and at bedtime. Wondering if he mostly eats because he smells my milk, I don’t have anyone who can help me during the night as my husband leave for work around 5:30 (yes I know he can wake up but I’d rather he rest up and be able to work well instead of drag during the day)

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Posted at
If they’re finishing bottles they’re hungry. Feed them.


Katie • Feb 10, 2020
Is it same time every night? That’s habit. If you feed them and they settle straight back to sleep they’re hungry.


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I'm curious about this too... I've read that if you want to start weaning night feeds, you should offer water instead if Milk. That way, it fills their tummy a little if they're hungry, but doesn't satisfy the habit/comfort of drinking milk so they don't bother to wake up for it after a few nights. I'm going to try this method once our sleep training is done, we're currently working on naps and falling asleep in a bassinet.


Lu • Feb 5, 2020
I think it depends on their age and diet; it's not wise for young babies on a straight milk diet, but okay for babies 6+ months who are on some solids (from what I've read). Let me know how it goes if you try it!


Diana • Feb 4, 2020
Hmmm I’ve heard this too but also heard it’s not always best to give them straight water? I might try this tonight!


Posted at
I knew my baby was ready to drop her last night nursing session because she was barely drinking anything- she’d nurse for 1-2 minutes and then just sort of hang out on my boob. I tried cutting it off cold turkey and after one night of fussing she’s slept through since then, so I guess she was ready! You could try reducing how much/how long baby is drinking each time— then he might either stop waking on his own or be okay with you dropping the feed.


Diana • Feb 4, 2020
I’ve thought about this, I remember trying once or twice and he’s cry once I took him off, maybe now he’s be fine! Another thing I could try :)


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How often? Is it more often than every 3 hrs? How long does he feed? Is it just enough to put him back to sleep or a full feed? Does he fall asleep independently at naps and bedtime and connect sleep cycles without a feed? Mine still wakes twice at night but feeds for longer than during the day. I know he can fall asleep independently and connect sleep cycles so I figure he’s hungry. There was a time he was waking every 3 hrs and I think that may been out of habit. But now sleeping 4-6 hr stretches. I’d like to obviously wean those night feeds but he’s a hungry boy and not eating solids yet.


Posted at
Following cuz I’m in the same boat


Posted at
Following! I am in the same boat.