

Hello lady’s I wanted to share what I am going threw right now with my family I have 5 kids my my 2 youngest are from my husband of right now my oldest is 15 youngest is 3 we have decided to split because of my 2 older kids not my oldest tho basically he says my girls are disrespectful and talk back and don’t listen well I dnt see it that way 2 weeks ago those 2 kids of mine ran away they left me a note saying they loved me but didn’t want to be in the house with him we fight so much because of them 2 i obviously believe and support my kids before him he can be to over strict I have always told him he needs to stop but yesterday he threw my daughters dog over the wall this dog belonged to my oldest the one he dosnt have a issue with and of course it was a big fight to the point we’re I said no more like why the hell would u do that and he thinks it’s ok it’s fine no problem with that of course there is my daughter cried he didn’t even care like wtf and then my other daughters tell him why he does tht and why threw him if it’s not his dog he says that’s talking back ima he honest to me tht is not talking back o feel he over does everything he always did with mines but with his kids it’s more different people say there’s no difference but there is my kids see it to it makes me sad bc I thought he actually love my girls but he don’t so I just can’t no more my daughters will always be more important then any man I need to be single for once I’m sure this will affect my younger kids but I can’t put my oldest girls threw this plus he can see them when ever how ever I dnt want anything from him I just want him gone.