Hunger vs discomfort

Stephanie • Married 2 years, 4 baby losses. Jun 2017, chemical. Dec 2017, missed miscarriage. Jul 2018, ectopic, lost left tube. Nov 2018, missed miscarriage.

Sorry if this is stupid, but how can you tell the difference between hunger and discomfort? My 6 week old fed on me pretty much from 6 PM til 2 AM yesterday on and off, kept pulling off towards the end because I assume the milk flow slowed, kept screaming for more food and would only doze off for less than an hour. I gave in and fed him 2 oz of formula and he still kept screaming. Eventually at 3, my husband fed him another 1.75 oz. I’m worried I’m overfeeding, but he finally slept for 3.5 hours after that.

I’m so jealous of everyone’s baby who sleeps well. Im just not enjoying this phase and I feel so guilty about it...