Im Non confrontational


So our dog stepped on our babysitter's phone, cracking the back and front. She said she dropped it off her balcony once and it was fine and that maybe our dog stepping on it just made it worse. I was right next to her when my dog stepped on it so I know she wasn't lying about it.

After talking it over with my husband, we felt like we should cover half of the repair or half of a new phone. My husband is an engineer so he researches everything. 😂 found out that repairing her phone is about the same amount as her purchasing a new phone (iPhone XR) we estimated about $300. I told her to let us know what she decides to do.

Well yesterday, her phone died and now the repair for the dying power supply or whatever is about $800. So shes deciding to pay off her old phone and get s new one, and the total for all that is about $1300!

I really hope shes not expecting us to cover half that! Honestly, if someone wanted to give me $300 to help towards ANYTHING, I think I'd be happy.

What do you guys think? Are we being reasonable? I really like her and I know money can definitely be a reason to end a good relationship and I don't want that to happen.