Frazzled rant...

Sooooo I am 37 weeks pregnant and very irritated with insurance.

1. You cannot with AETNA insurance get a breast pump until your baby is born. I cannot understand this and the explanation of it was completely rude and very insensitive.

2. The place where you get the pump, spectra S2, is charging $380 OTC without insurance when you can go to target and get a S1 hospital grade for $200.

3. They do not provide anything but 2 options for pumps and do not cover hospital grade pumps. Target sells one for $200. If I could get reimbursed I would be over the moon.

I understand it is a luxury that not everyone has to be able to get a free pump, all insurances have to provide pumps free of charge not hospital grade, but some flexibility and understanding would be awesome. I live 1.5 hours from this place middle of nowhere and really dont want to have to make a trip into a dinky pharmacy with a newborn.

Anyone have better insurance?