Have you ever said a baby name out loud and just got the "this is it" feeling?

Brianna • JMommy17

My hubby and I just found out we are having a baby girl in july and we are both beyond excited and while browsing though name ideas I said the name Evangeline Ruth Lynn M outloud and it just felt right like no other name I've tried has come close to feeling so right. Anyone else ever had this happen or am I just crazy?

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Yes, now I just need my hubby to be on the same page as me.


Brianna • Feb 6, 2020
My hubby said he loves my name I chose however he has a hard time pronouncing it so I'm not sure how I feel about keeping it


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basically the few names my husband and I can agree on. If we both like it that’s that since it’s so hard to agree


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Yessss it happened with both my kids.. first for my son was that feeling and my daughters middle name was that feeling. Then my husband added my sons middle and daughters first and it all went together and felt 100% right lol


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Yes. It was like an elation feeling once I found the right one. I still kept my mind open to other ideas, but with all 4 of my kids, the "elation name" ended up being the one!


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Not really actually. I've had 4 names (2 boy, 2 girl) picked for about 8 years now and I've given my first one of those names. So I did reach an ah-ha point where I decided those names were going in the pool, but nothing like that from pregnancy/birth.


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Yep, then he was born, we both looked at him and said "Nope... Doesn't fit. He does not look like a Levi" (i don't even remember what name it was). So it was back to the drawing board until we found one that fit him. Took two freaking days!


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Yes, I had this exact feeling with my first.Me and my hubby decided her name will be Tessa Madeline, but then when I had the baby I just couldn't imagine calling my baby girl Tessa.It took us an entire day to come up with new ideas, and in the meantime everyone had to vall my daughter "little girl", "little one" or "baby"😂. She ended up being named Madeline Emilia💕


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Yes! When my husband called his mom (lives on the other side of the country) and told her we were having a baby. She immediately suggested the name Violet if it was a girl (his grandmothers name) as soon as he said it I fell in love with it. It was the perfect name! We ended up having a boy so we couldn’t use it, then we got pregnant again and it was our girl name once again. But his brother and his gf were a month ahead of us and announced they were having girl and were naming her Violet. We ended up having another boy. And then another boy lol so I’m sad I’d never get to use it but I’ll probably never have a girl anyways. Pregnant with babe number 4, find out the gender in 17 days 🤞


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Love the name Evangeline!! So pretty! ☺️ I really liked the name Maisie, but it wasn’t until I told my husband and he said the name out loud that I really fell in love with it


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Yes, with our girl name. Unfortunately we can’t agree on a boy name and that’s what we’re having.