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Contractions are a bitch. I’m a FTM so I didn’t know what to expect. I didn’t take any classes that were offered. I just went with the flow lol. So once the contractions started I said okay I can handle this, but woww hours later they were stronger and stronger I was literally in tears. Once the epidural kicks in u don’t feel crap until u hit 8-9cm you’ll feel some pressure, but nothing painful at least for me it wasn’t. I was so scared of delivery, but I didn’t feel anything thank god. The pushing was hard because the nurse only gives u 3 seconds to breathe and push again for 10 seconds lol it’s exhausting.


Yuliana • Feb 5, 2020
😩😩 ohh noo... see that’s what I was afraid of so I kept pressing the epidural button lol 😅


Linda • Feb 5, 2020
Oh the epidural didn't really work for me so I kept feeling them. 😭😭😭😭😭😭


MJ • Feb 5, 2020
😭😭😭😭 Omgg


Posted at
All of it. Everything. Everything hurts. Labour is all around terrible. Probably the worst part is the 2 or 3 contractions when baby’s head is right there, before they are born. It burns like nothing I’ve ever felt. I’ve had two natural labours and that’s the worst part


Posted at
Contractions 100%. I also had back labor. Pushing the baby out was the easy part for me and I pushed for an hour.


Jess • Feb 6, 2020
I had back labour too was 17hrs of hell the epidural only worked on my left side, pushing was a breeze compared to that aha


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Epidural was the most painful for me


Ashley • Feb 5, 2020
But contractions were worse than pushing then having a C-section


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Personally the pressure hurt more than either 😵


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Well contractions are a bitch (I was induced and no epidural) BUT I also pushed for almost 3 hours so honestly the whole thing was a mess lol but it’s like they say as soon as your baby’s out nothing else matters and you forget the pain


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Transition. I went from 5-10cm in 20 minutes after they broke my water and it was HELL


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It’s hard to say because they are just two different kinds of pain. I didn’t have an epidural, and the contractions were awful, but to me they weren’t as painful as the crowning baby head/pushing him out and tearing. However the contractions lasted for 40 hours and the baby was only crowning for maybe 5 minutes. So the contractions were very hard, but the crowning/pushing pain for me was more of an urgent pain, not dull like the contractions. Honestly they both sucked and I blocked out most of it either way lol.


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I’m going to say contractions bc I got an epidural at 8cm and didn’t really feel anything after that. Just pressure.


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Pushing my son out was exhausting but it actually gave me slight relief from the contractions, knowing that with each push he was so close to finally being here gave me a weird adrenalin rush that almost distracted me and I was just fighting through the pain like I could see the finish line. Both were still terrible but in my opinion contractions and back labour were so so much worse.