Looking good?

Brianna • 👼🏻💙💙 ▪️ One tube ▪️ 27

Ok I know implantation dips are a myth as 75% of women that end up pregnant don’t have them and having a dip only slightly increases tour chance of being pregnant, but hear me out

A couple of days ago on CD 23, I had a dip in my temp

That night, at around 6pm I started cramping, it almost was like it came in waves

I went to sleep and the cramps continued on and off the next day and I had a weird shooting pain at 10pm last night (CD 24)

Today the cramps have been pretty mild and my boobs have begun to hurt a little, although my nipples have stung on and off for days

I tested today and yesterday with cheapies, negative as expected, thinking of testing tomorrow with a first response, even though I know it’s still early

My question is, does all this sound and look good?

We’re on cycle 7 and I’m starting to get really down with AF showing every month

It’s also the first cycle I’ve been taking vitamin D supplements as it is low

I feel pretty hopeful but I just wanted other people’s opinions

Hopefully my temp shoots up tomorrow

Baby dust ladies!