I’m still in shock!

Katelyn • 29, mother to two daughters, married, expecting third baby!

So me and the bf have not been trying to get pregnant but not preventing it either. December 2018 I had a miscarriage (not with him) and since then I have been dying for another baby. I have a 7 year old daughter. Bf works off a month at a time so this month we baby danced 3 days before ovulation (according to app) which was the day before he left so I wasn’t really expecting anything to happen. This past week I’ve had some weird symptoms that never happen so last night I said what the hell and took a test I had left over (9 dpo according to glow) and within 3 minutes there was this

I honestly wasn’t expecting to see anything at all. I freaked out of course. It kept getting darker and at 16 minutes I took this which was as dark as it got

I absolutely can’t believe it. Af isn’t even due for 3 more days. I also went and bought a blue dye last night and within two minutes there was a line. Still in shock I just took another one this morning (got up at 330 to pee so not technically fmu) and this is 3 minutes and 10 minutes pictures. Sorry so long but I’m in shock, freaking out and so excited! I feel like I’m dreaming.

My main question is why does it start so light and then get darker, it’s still valid right?!