Hernia In toddler

Wondering if anybody has been through this.

At around 18 months I noticed a lump in my toddlers stomach. Took him to the dr and seen a nurse since my dr wasn't available. She scheduled an ultrasound. She gave us the choice of the children's hospital, or the drs office. I figured if she gave us the choice of the office, the office was fine. The tech was horrible. In fact even though theres a clear lump they said there was nothing there. My sons 18 month appointment was a week later with my dr, so when I went in I had him look. Just by looking and feeling he said an umbilical hernia. We would keep an eye on it, follow up at 2. We moved in august out of town, so I'm august I took him back. It was a month before he turned 2. Dr said it wasn't causing any issues so we would wait longer before surgery as most times by the age of 3-4 it goes away on it's own. Hes now almost 2.5 and it hasn't grown or anything, doesn't hurt to touch from what I can tell. Now the last month has been hell for us. My son is not napping, not sleeping at night (up 4-5 times a night vs either sleeping through or waking up once but putting himself back to sleep). His bowel movements have also been weird the last 3ish days. Mostly just the smell which I know isn't guna be nice, but its BAD. It literally smells like a petting zoo, is the best way to describe it. Now at first I thought teething. He only has molars left to come in, which I know are not fun. My SIL thought she saw me coming in, so for the first few days when he was waking up a million times, I tried tylenol and it helped. However, now that it's been a month I'm thinking not teeth? They have never taken this long for him including the molars he has already. Wondering if anyones kids had a hernia and if anything strange happened to prompt surgery? We really want to avoid surgery with such an active 2 year old but I just wonder if its bothering him . We also dont have a dr, but have a meeting with one next week to get registered with them. my only other option is a hospital cuz I can't get to a walkin clinic since there is none in town. Wondering if it's worthtthe hospital trip, or wait it out until next week and talk with the new dr?