33 weeks and 3 days - Not much longer!


So, had appt. for babies today. Boy is 4 lbs. 1 oz. (8%) and girl is 4 lbs. 4 oz. (14th%). Saw some resistance in her cord this time. The diagnosis for IUGR is still there. Basically, what they’re saying is that it’s just harder for them to grow in there and he said if I haven’t delivered by 36 weeks they will deliver them. However, he thinks they may come before then, which is what they said at the other office, as well. They want to see me again next week and that means back to back appts. again next week. They will look at resistance in the cord flow again and see how they’re both doing and update us to see where we are with delivering time-wise, then, unless something does happen before then. If I start contracting again, I was told to go back to the hospital. Oy... not too much longer!!!