Marijuana for morning sickness

Jamie • 18. Virginia 💁
I have been smoking pot everyday religiously for 6 years (started young). Well with all the social stigma attached to mothers smoking while pregnant I thought I'd quit , its what is best for me and my baby... Or so I thought , as soon as I stopped smoking weed ( I smoked one last bowl pack and went to bed). I woke up and was fine for about an hour or so , then the morning sickness came , and it came fierce. I went 52 hours without smoking , all of those hours I felt miserable. So my sister whom has had 2 perfectly healthy baby boys , rolled me a joint and told me to hit it lightly (so the coughing wouldn't make me vomit) about 3 or times. Within 45 seconds to a minute , no more vomit , no more nausea. I'm so greatful 🙏